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Val Lawrence

Val Lawrence

The first thing one notices about Val Lawrence is her infectious laugh-the laugh that rings joyfully each day at Bowman Woods. Val is remarkably enthusiastic, dedicated, hardworking, positive, and creative.

She is committed to making Bowman Woods a special place and partners with our wonderful staff each day to do just that. As Val begins her sixth year in the role of facilitator at our school, her efforts are already noteworthy.

Val is tireless and is often referred to as our very own energizer bunny. The energy and love she brings to her position are boundless.She goes over and above each day. Val makes it a point to build relationships with students.

She intuitively knows what each student needs and provides whatever is needed to help a child have a successful day.

Val can take the toughest of situations and turn it around by showing students they have the ability to be the best they can be!

Val Lawrence is an integral part of Bowman Woods. Not only does she provide positive interactions with our students and staff; she does so with an unflappable, calm, professional, and caring manner. Val is a wonderful role model for students and staff alike.

The staff at Bowman Woods often comments, “What would we do without Val?” Val never asks anything of anyone that she would not happily do herself. She is that person who has a task accomplished moments after a discussion.

She is a natural problem solver who will not stop until an acceptable solution is unearthed. Val is simply there for anyone who needs help.

Val Lawrence is a person who simply makes the world a better place.

She does not do anything for recognition or glory. She does everything from the heart.

It is our privilege to share with Linn-Mar a spotlight on such an amazing staff member.

Val is truly invested in our students, staff, parents, and community. We feel blessed to have her at Bowman Woods.

Tina March and the staff at Bowman Woods