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5th Graders Time Travel to Colonial Days

Writing with a quill and ink just like they did to write the Declaration of Independence. That was one of the many traditional tasks the 5th graders at Bowman Woods discovered on Colonial Day.

Candlemaking at Bowman WoodsSpinning Wheel at Bowman Woods

The students took shifts to attempt many other daily tasks of the time period.

They dipped wax to create candles.  The “tinsmiths” used a hammer and nail to create their own light catchers.

Tinsmithing at Bowman WoodsTinsmithing at Bowman Woods

The students also learned how a spinning wheel works to spin wool into yarn.
The activities of the day weren’t all work. They discovered traditional outdoor games that children of Colonial times would have played at recess.

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The kids and adults had a lot fun, but they also looked forward to returning to the 21st century at the end of the day.