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An Evening of Comedy & Drama as LMHS Presents One Act Plays

The Linn-Mar Speech and Drama Departments will present “ A Night of One Act Plays”
Friday, March 2nd and Saturday, March 3rd at 7:00 PM in the Linn-Mar High School Little Theatre. Three plays will be presented.

“To Serve Man”
Adapted by Linn-Mar student Jonathan Issa

Aliens land on Earth. They address the United Nations via telepathy, announcing their race’s motive in coming to Earth is to aid humanity by sharing their advanced technology. It is later discovered they may have other plans as well.

“10 Reasons You Should Have Stayed Home Sick”
By E. M. Bell

Take a tour of high school’s everyday horrors, from the dreaded surprise test to the battle for a bus seat, courtesy of an ensemble of students who play everyone from the tone-deaf choir kid to the teacher who talks at a snail’s pace. Yeah, you’re definitely gonna wish you took a sick day.

“The 11th”
By David J. LeMaster

9/11 changed the world but how did it change you?
Watch the events unfold from the point of view of everyday people who weren’t in Washington DC or New York but were drastically affected, each with a story to tell.

See all three shows for just $5.00. Tickets will be available at the door.

Students with an Activity Pass will get in free of charge.

Guests are asked to use Door 1 – The Auditorium-Little Theatre entrance.