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High School: August 23 First Day For 9th Graders

Wednesday, August 23, will be a 9th grade only first day of school at Linn-Mar High School.

As our student population continues to grow, we are working to ensure all of our students are as prepared as possible for a successful 9th grade year and high school career.  We have made a plan to enhance our 9th grade preparation with the first day of school, August 23, for the 2017-18 school year as a 9th grade only school day.  This is a required first day of school for all 9th grade students, and we will be using a regular schedule for the day.  The content during each class period will be focused on the adjustment to high school for our 9th grade students and will include:

  • Wayfinding/How to know your way around LMHS,
  • Academic procedures/skills/success tools/grades-standards,
  • What office and where?  Who do I go to if…?  Student Handbook, Harassment, Procedures/Rules/Expectations,
  • Lunch protocols/options/locations
  • Student Activity Fair
  • Technology Prep for academic coursework
  • Technology Prep and Training for Media Services and IC3 Certification
  • Student Assistance Services/Needs/Social-Emotional Support/Academic Counseling-Planning
  • School Entry and Departure Planning

Our goal for the day is to ensure all of our 9th grade students are as prepared as possible for a successful first week of classes and 9th grade year.  The idea for the day has been driven by staff members who primarily teach 9th grade students and want to ensure necessary areas of need receive appropriate attention at the start of the year.  All 125 high school teachers and over 102 high school staff will be involved with our 9th grade students during this first day.

LMHS Grade-Level Student Advisory Councils have also cited the need to ensure all 9th grade students are informed and prepared to h a ve successful beginning to the school year.  Even with about 80 percent of 9th grade students coming to the evening orientations used in the past, over 100 students were not in attendance each year.  Stated one 9th grade student advisory member, “You cannot simulate a first day without actually having it be the first day.  If it is just 9th grade students, then we can have a real first day, but also be able to prepare for when the upperclassmen are here too.”

The day will operate as a regular school day with lunch being served during a student’s appropriate lunch session.  Passing times will be extended in the morning, and will become normal passing time for the second half of the day to allow students to get used to moving throughout the building between class periods and blocks.

We are announcing our plans for August 23, so that families with high school students are informed and have the opportunity to plan accordingly.  Early Bird Marching Band will be having rehearsal as normal on August 23, from 7:15-8:00 a.m.  All athletic and other activities will also have practices/rehearsals/meetings as normal both before and after school on August 23.  All high school grades will report for school with a regular schedule on Thursday, August 24.