High School Course Registration for 2025-2026 Now Open
Important Dates and Information for Current 9th – 11th Grade Students
Course registration for the 2025-26 academic year is now open for students already at Linn-Mar High School and will remain open through February 14. We encourage all families to visit the Linn-Mar High School Counseling website for detailed information about course offerings and registration steps.
Registration Details for Incoming Linn-Mar Freshmen
Attention all current 8th-grade families! As your students start their final semester of middle school, it’s also time to begin planning for the exciting transition to high school. We are thrilled to welcome your child as an incoming freshman at Linn-Mar High School. For our incoming 9th graders, this is an exciting time as we prepare for your transition to high school! Here are some key resources and events to help guide you:
- Parent and Student Course Registration Information Night– Join us on Monday, February 10, for the 8th Grade Parent-Student Course Registration Information Night. This event will allow you to meet with school counselors and teachers to discuss course options, high school life, and everything you need to know to make the transition a smooth one.
- Linn-Mar High School teachers from all academic departments will be available from 6:00-7:00 p.m. to answer questions you may have as you choose courses.
- Large group parent orientation sessions with LMHS school counselors and administrators will also be held at 5:15 p.m. and again at 7:00 p.m. in the Linn-Mar High School auditorium.
- Parent and Student Course Registration Information Night– Join us on Monday, February 10, for the 8th Grade Parent-Student Course Registration Information Night. This event will allow you to meet with school counselors and teachers to discuss course options, high school life, and everything you need to know to make the transition a smooth one.
- Registration– Current 8th Grade students may begin Course Registration for 2025-26 in PowerSchool starting on February 10 at 8:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. on February 14.
Families New to Linn-Mar
Any students who are new to the district or planning to join Linn-Mar High School for the 2025-26 academic year are encouraged to reach out and begin the enrollment process! For more details about high school registration please contact Barb Benton in the high school office at 319-447-3040. Other grades can reach out to info@linnmar.k12.ia.us or begin the pre-register process for the academic year here.
Important Links to Help Families with the High School Registration Process:
- The Linn-Mar High School Program of Studies 2025-26 is a comprehensive guide to the classes available at Linn-Mar High School.
- 9th Grade Abbreviated Course Listing- This version of the High School Program of Studies specifically highlights the courses available for 9th-grade students.
- Linn-Mar High School Counseling Website– Find detailed information for all grade levels and other resources to assist you in the registration process.
- Linn-Mar High School Lions offer many activities for students including athletics, fine arts, clubs and other organizations. More than 80 percent of our district’s 2,200 high school students are involved in an activity. You and your students can review many of our options in this REACH Guide.
We are excited to begin this journey with you and your students. Let’s make the most of this time together as we prepare for a successful start to their new school year!