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Highlights from the August 13th Board of Education Meeting

Below are highlights of the August 13th Board of Education meeting.
Please remember, these are just highlights and should not be considered the official minutes.

During the work session, the Board of Education heard from the Linn-Mar Booster Club, the Safety and Security Advisory Committee and heard an update on various summer construction projects.

Pete King, Linn-Mar Booster Club President, shared financial information from July 2017 – June 2018. During that time, the club’s total income was $227,206.09. The club has seen a decrease in total income from 2016-17 with the transition of clothing sales to theROARstore. A gross profit of $132,179.59 was reported with more than $140,000 in total grants being given to academics, athletics, and fine arts! Money for the Booster Club comes from member donations, concessions, team and group photo sales, and sports programs.

Executive Director of Student Services Leisa Breitfelder provided the board with an update on the Safety and Security Advisory Committee’s findings and recommendations. The committee was formed to supply the board with information in order to make decisions on improvements to Linn-Mar’s schools in the areas of safety and security. The results will enable the board to establish policies and procedures related to school safety.

Earlier this year, the group (comprised of parents, administrators, and members of the community including the Marion Police and Fire Department) conducted safety audits at each of the district’s buildings. Key recommendations from the group include: secure special education classrooms that require lock down, ensuring safety equipment is up-to-date and regularly maintained, buzz-in systems for schools, and the possibility of two school resource officers in the district. The board plans to further discuss the findings in an upcoming work session.

An update on summer construction projects that are nearing completion was also provided. The board also discussed the projects included in Phase II of the historical elementary renovations and future projects as outlined in the 10-year facilities plan. A detailed summary of renovations that took place over the summer of 2018 can be found in the work session exhibits.

During the regular meeting, the Board of Education and representatives from the Facilities Advisory Committee discussed initiatives that are currently underway to inform the community of the district’s September 11th bond vote. Areas discussed included: social media and communication efforts and presentations to community groups and Linn-Mar schools, in addition to open houses.

The next meeting of the Board of Education will be August 27th at the Learning Resource Center.

To view the full agenda and exhibits please visit the Board/Policy website.