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Highlights from the March 11th School Board Meeting

During the March 11th school board meeting the Student Assistance Team presented a lot of great information on the programs offered throughout the district. The Student Assistance Team provides immediate support and community resource references for students in crisis, with specific attention to substance abuse and family/social support. The team also provides positive alternatives and leadership opportunities for students. The team spearheads the district’s Suicide Prevention Task Force and hosts Suicide Prevention Week. Also highlighted were several community resources that support our Linn-Mar families including, but not limited to: Horizons, Foundation 2, Four Oaks, Associate for Behavioral Healthcare, Families Helping Families, Young Parent Network, Helping Hands, and more! Click here to check out Exhibit 301.1 in the board packet for more info!

Superintendent Bisgard facilitated a discussion on the process and timeline for naming the new 5th/6th grade intermediate buildings. More information will be shared soon, along with the timeline, so start brainstorming your ideas now!

The board also approved the following items:

  • Bid for the roofing projects for the high school and Wilkins Elementary
  • Site grading specifications for the intermediate buildings to be let for bid on April 2nd
  • Establishment of public hearings for April 8th regarding the plans/specs for the intermediate buildings and the fiscal year 2020 certified budget
  • The revised 2018-19 school calendar reflecting the snow day make-up plan for students (Click here to view the updated calendar)
  • Resolution authorizing the issuance of $55,000,000 general obligation school and refunding bonds
  • Early graduation requests
  • First reading of recommended wording changes to Policy 401.10 Licensed Personnel – Early Separation
  • Overnight fieldtrip requests from Contest Speech, Robotics, Model UN, FFA, and Varsity POMs

Click here to view the full agenda and exhibit packet.

The school board will host their next meeting on Monday, April 8th at Westfield Elementary, wherein the work session will focus on student learning at the elementary level.