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Highlights from the March 6th Linn-Mar Board of Education Meeting

Highlights from the March 6th Board of Education Meeting.

Please remember these are just highlights and do not reflect the official minutes.

During the work session Nick Glew, president of Marion Economic Development Corporation (MEDCO), shared information on their Community Promise strategy, “the framework of Community Promise streamlines business engagement activities to create intentional pathways for students seeking an authentic career opportunity. It provides a track for students to leverage elevated relationships between education, business, the community, and themselves. It is a unique tool that invests in students who are the future workforce and future leaders of our community.” The outcomes to be achieved through Community Promise include:

  • To equip 70% of graduating seniors with education and training beyond a traditional high school experience
  • Invest $250,000 in our own talent by 2022 to address the employment needs of our Marion business community
  • Create an environment that builds community loyalty and is contagious to talent recruitment
  • Be a national leader in creating an insulated talent pipeline that is a competitive advantage for our community

 The Board learning discussion focused on the Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) Standards for Effective School Boards. The Board discussed the first of the following six standards and will discuss the additional standards during future meetings:

  1. Visionary Team: operate as a visionary governance team in partnership with the superintendent
  2. Student Learning: provided effective leadership for quality instruction and high, equitable student learning
  3. District Culture: foster a culture that enables excellence and innovation
  4. Policy and Legal: lead through sound policy, ensuring transparent, ethical, legal operations
  5. Fiscal Responsibility: sustain and enhance district resources through planning and fiduciary oversight
  6. Advocacy: advocate for public education and the needs of Iowa students


During the regular meeting the Board covered the following items:

  • Shared highlights of their visits to Compass and Wilkins Elementary; both visits focused on PBIS and Wilkins shared info on their therapy dog program
  • Several items from the Board Book were highlighted. Click here to access the full Board Book.
  • Approval of second reading of recommended policy changes (Exhibit 701.1) Click here to check out all Board policies!
  • Set March 23rd as the publication date of FY2018 certified budget and set April 10th as the date for the public hearing.
  • Approved Novak PTO’s application to build an outdoor garden/learning structure.
  • Approved student teaching/field experience agreements for 2017-18 with Cornell College, Mt Mercy University, and Coe College.
  • Approved field trip requests for Robotics to attend Iowa FIRST Regionals Competition and FBLA to attend the State Leadership Conference.

 Upcoming Events Include:

Remember, all agendas, exhibits, and Board policies can be found online by visiting the LM School Board website.