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Linn-Mar Drama Featured on Theatrical Catalog

Over 60,000 theatrical directors from around the world are getting a glimpse of the talented drama students at Linn-Mar.

Brooklyn Publishers chose to feature last fall’s thespian show production, “Alibis” on the cover of the company’s new catalog.

Brooklyn Publishing CoverStephanie Michalicek, VP of Operations for the publishing company said, “ It was our honor to highlight Linn-Mar’s production of Alibis by Peter Kennedy for our annual cover. I am always so impressed by the arts programs in both Cedar Rapids and Marion–it was an easy choice to choose their production. We are so lucky to have such a healthy community respect for the arts which fosters amazing education programs, like that at Linn-Mar.“

In learning about the publisher’s decision to include the Linn-Mar production of the cover, drama director Marcia Smith said, “ The Thespian cast and crew of the murder mystery production of Alibis was so excited and honored to be chosen to be on the cover of Brooklyn Publishing’s catalog. This was a show that the cast truly enjoyed and we had fun tripping over all the dead bodies on stage! We are truly grateful to Brooklyn Publishing for their support and encouragement of the arts in our area”

Brooklyn Publishers is part of a play and musical publishing group that has been based in Cedar Rapids since 1928.