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Linn-Mar Girls Set Two Records at Drake Relays!

Drake Relays 01 The Linn-Mar girls shattered two records at the Drake Relays in Des Moines in a strong showing for our girls track team.

Chana Northrup (sophomore), Olivia Hubler (senior), Jill Bennett (junior) and Payton Wensel (senior) set an all-time state record with an impressive time of 1:44.07 in the sprint medley.

Payton Wensel also set a new Drake Relays mark with a time of 1:00:25 in the 400-meter hurdles, the second-best time in Iowa history. Payton was also voted as the most outstanding girls’ high-school performer at the event.

In the high jump, Skyler Presler (sophomore) took home 3rd place clearing a height of 5’4”.
Congratulations to our girls on their amazing performance at Drake!