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Making a Positive Difference in Someone’s Day

It’s not about changing the world, it’s about changing one person’s day.  That was the message inspirational speaker Joe Beckman shared with students at Hazel Point and Boulder Peak Intermediate and Excelsior and Oak Ridge Middle Schools.

He challenged the kids to really think about how the things they do every day affect other people. How one single action can make someone feel really bad or really good. 

A key point the students really seemed to grasp was the best way to welcome a new classmate. They discovered that an open, welcoming approach is the best to make a positive connection. That, in turn, makes the “new kid” feel welcomed and appreciated as the newest member of the class. 

During his visit to Linn-Mar, Mr. Beckman also gave a community presentation entitled, ‘Community, Connections, and Supporting our kids”

He has shared his infectious energy, humor, and passion in over a thousand schools, positively impacting over one million people worldwide

.Joe Beckman at LM Schools (9) Joe Beckman at LM Schools (7) Joe Beckman at LM Schools (6) Joe Beckman at LM Schools (5) Joe Beckman at LM Schools (4) Joe Beckman at LM Schools (3) Joe Beckman at LM Schools (1)