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Making Connections with Careers

One of the students from Linn-Mar’s Venture Academics Program, Allie Katuin, toured a local hospital as part of a biomedical course, learned about a job opportunity, and recently joined the hospital as part of the staff. Allie plans to work part-time at the hospital while she finishes high school, attends college, and then return to the hospital after earning a degree in the medical field. Reflecting on her experiences in the Venture Program, Katuin said she is thankful for Venture  and the opportunities it provided her.

Elyssa McDowell, Venture Academics Strategic Partnerships Coordinator, credits the STEM Council’s STEM BEST Program with helping establish the biomedical science course for Venture Academics. The program also provided the tools and support for an innovative and professional learning environment.

“The STEM BEST Program allowed us to offer the Biomedical Science course which has provided fabulous opportunities for students to connect to the medical field,” said McDowell. “Students get to learn about careers available to them in their own community and also develop relationships and connections with adult professionals. Student learning is enhanced and elevated as they learn standard industry practices.”

The STEM BEST Program is accepting applications for schools interested in fostering workplace experience for students. McDowell offers the following advice for launching a STEM BEST Program, “Start small. Talk with teachers and administrators to identify needs. Consider what groups of students will benefit from the opportunity and how you will plan to market to them.”