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A Salute to the Nutrition Services Staff

We want to give a huge shout out to the men and women of the Linn-Mar Nutrition Services Team in observance of National School Lunch Week.

At Linn-Mar, a group of 84 people, including substitutes, work tirelessly to provide an average of 4,945 lunches and over 550 breakfasts to Linn-Mar students in eleven buildings across the district each school day!

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Today’s school lunches meet strict nutrition standards, including limits on calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats.

Nationwide, thanks to the National School Lunch Program, more than 30 million students enjoy healthy lunches every school day.

Linn-Mar School Meals BY THE NUMBERS (Per year) 

Apple Slice servings: 36,800

Crispitos served (middle and high school): 24,768

Chicken Strips served: 30,240

Hot Dogs served: 59,280

Ranch Dressing: 1,312 gallons