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School Bus Safety Week 2022

Linn-Mar is proud to celebrate the dedicated drivers, attendants, mechanics, and the entire Transportation Team who go above and beyond, to make sure our students are transported safely every day.

Not only do our Linn-Mar bus drivers take kids to and from school. They transport them to sports and fine arts competitions, take them on field trips,  provide transportation to the Aquatic Center for swimming lessons, and so much more.

Last year our drivers traveled over 490 thousand miles in our 62 buses.  With that many trips, we need more people to drive!

Go to the careers tab on our website to learn how you can join our team! 

All this week, Linn-Mar bus drivers are reminding students of the protocols to keep everyone safe.

Bus evacuation drill (3) Bus Evacuation Drill Back door Bus Evacuation Drill (2) Bus evacuation drill

We offer these reminders to drivers…

Remember to stop when the bus has its red lights flashing and the stop sign extended.

Remember to watch for kids who might be hurrying to their bus stop.

Give the bus driver some space if traveling through a narrow street or intersection.

Thank you for your help and thanks to everyone on the Linn-Mar Transportation team!