STEAM Ahead and Read Camp Comes to a Close
Nearly 90 Bowman Woods students were back in school for the annual STEAM Ahead and Read Camp.

Teacher Librarian Carla Clanin works with students at STEAM Ahead and Read Camp at Bowman Woods
The camp had a central theme for each of its four days. Coding, Exploring, Creating and Celebrating.
Groups of students rotated through a series of activity centers each morning.

Students discover new apps on Ipads at STEAM Camp.
Among the week’s activities, participants discovered the science of a rocket launch and the solid and liquid properties of homemade slime.

Students mix the color into their homemade slime.
They were treated to visits by mystery readers and a guest from Theatre Cedar Rapids who taught the kids how do a read through for a play.

Theatre Cedar Rapids guest reads a play to students at STEAM Ahead and Read Camp

Students take turns doing a read through of a play.
District staff and volunteers along with Middle and High School students guided the kids through the sessions.

Bowman Woods Principal Tina March was a guest Mystery Reader on the final day of STEAM Ahead and Read Camp
Thanks to everyone who made this year’s STEAM Ahead and Read Camp a huge success.