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Covid and Derecho Resources

The 2020-2021 school year has been like no other. Because of COVID and the Derecho, our homes have become our classrooms and workspaces, some short-term, some long-term. We are often sharing space with family members who are also learning and/or working. As parents and teachers, we know it has been difficult juggling the classroom schedules and the demands that are still there for us as adults. The levels of stress and anxiety can vary each day.

When the Derecho hit in August, it created a completely new level of crisis for our community.  There are still many families dealing with the aftermath. Homes have been abandoned, families are displaced as many work through huge repairs. The financial stress takes its toll. This is all coming as we continue to maneuver the ever-changing demands COVID has put on us.

Linn-Mar Associate Director of Student Services, Kristi Hicks, works with families who are affected by these challenges. She uses her own experience to help others. “The Derecho changed me. Looking back, I see how I went through the grieving process…I had to learn how to ask for help and accept help rather quickly. We lived in a camper for three months and most recently have been without a kitchen for three weeks due to the extensive damage the Derecho had on our home. The kindness from others throughout this process has been unimaginable. Neighbors, friends, and colleagues have been an amazing support system.”

The Linn-Mar Student Services Department put together a website that features a variety of resources for parents and guardians. The page Virtual Instruction-HELP! includes family strategies, schedules, tips, and supports. All the resources included have been selected by Linn-Mar professionals who work with children and young adults, of all ages. Our Linn-Mar website also provides a comprehensive list of resources available for families.

Please contact the counselor at your child’s school or feel free to reach out to members of Linn-Mar’s Student Assistance Program if you are concerned about your child’s level of stress. Please know that you are not alone. We are all in this together.

If you need assistance with housing, household damage, or debris cleanup, please call Waypoint at 319-366-7999.  For other Derecho recovery needs contact HACAP at 319-739-0056 or email