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Maneesh John

Maneesh John

Maneesh is one of five seniors selected from Linn-Mar as a National Merit Semifinalist. Aside from academics, he’s involved in a wide variety of extracurriculars, from school clubs to tutoring to volunteering outside of school.

Though he’s not a very public person, Maneesh can be seen in many places around the school. You’ll find him in the LMTV studio writing the script every morning, or in the MASS Tutoring Center throughout the day, or rushing off to a club meeting after school. Among the activities he’s involved in are Math Team, Science Olympiad, Contest Speech, FBLA, and Riff Room Tutoring.

He has one piece of advice for sophomores and juniors planning to take the PSAT and other standardized tests, “I really believe that with everything in life, you get what you give. So if you want a good score, just practice. A little effort could be the difference between the score you get and the score you want.”

Maneesh gives his time to various places. He spends early Friday mornings tutoring the Oak Ridge Mathcounts Team, and every weekend he volunteers at St. Luke’s Hospital. Every other day, he goes to Iowa City to volunteer as a research assistant for the Computational Biomedical Imaging Group.

As for future plans, Maneesh is looking at many options. He plans to apply to a few universities, to major in Computer Science.