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Stacy Fish

Stacy Fish Nutrition Services Manager 270x270

We salute Linn-Mar Nutrition Services Manager Stacy Fish.
Stacy’s primary role is to make sure that Linn-Mar students have nutritious food to eat. Like many of us are discovering in our own lives, Stacy’s job has become a bit tougher as a result of the Coronavirus.

She has met the challenge head-on in her pleasant and cheerful way, much to the delight of Linn-Mar families everywhere. Working with tirelessly with local, state and federal officials, Stacy has been able to establish Grab and Go lunch locations across the district.

The free lunches are provided for children 18 years and younger. They are available Monday through Friday from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM at the following locations. Bowman Woods, Linn Grove, Novak, Westfield, Wilkins, and the High School.

Lunches are also being delivered to the Chapel Ridge Apartments, Marion Village, Squaw Creek Estates and Valley View Apartments.

We want to thank Stacy and her entire team for going above and beyond during this challenging time. We ARE Linn-Mar!