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Highlights of the December 10th School Board Meeting

Below are highlights from the December 10th Board of Education meeting. Please remember these are just highlights and should not be considered the official minutes.

Students from Iowa BIG presented research and recommendations for potential improvements to the district’s policies on consent/sexual assault that would make the policies more comprehensive, stress the importance of the issues, and clearly provide a safe place/process for reporting an assault. The students also shared they want to raise awareness of the issues and the voices of the victims by hosting a “consent week” during the month of April (Sexual Assault Awareness Month) that would include daily activities/themes, t-shirts, stickers/magnets, etc.

A representative from Bohnsack and Frommelt, LLP, reviewed the Comprehensive Annual Finance Report for fiscal year 2018. They shared there were no instances of noncompliance reported.

Superintendent Bisgard reviewed the Indian Creek Trail Project that is being proposed by the City of Marion. The multi-use, unpaved trail would extend from 10th Street to Tower Terrace Road and would cross district property between Indian Creek and Armstrong Field. Additional consideration and planning between the City and district is needed before a final recommendation will be presented.

An update from the Facilities Advisory Committee was shared that included a review of the draft floor plans and site layouts for the two, new 5th/6th grade intermediate buildings. Next steps were also shared which include additional Steering Committee meetings focusing on classroom/space designs, meetings with the City of Marion, finalization of building layouts with additional input from focus groups, and a transition in planning focus toward curriculum and instruction, school start times, hiring process/timelines, and alignment with current elementary and middle schools.

Continued discussion on digital learning occurred with the presentation of a four-year plan for the rollout of one-to-one (1:1) student devices. After some discussion, the majority of the board was in agreement to move forward with the 1:1 initiative as presented.

There were several action items voted on and approved during the meeting including, but not limited to:

  • Resolution and several action items related to the issuance of bonds for the 5th/6th grade intermediate buildings
  • 2019-20 High School Program of Studies
  • 2019-20 Physical Education Standards Exemption
  • 2019-20 District Calendar
  • First reading of policy recommendations pertaining to policy series 800 – Business Procedures
  • Various fundraisers
  • Overnight fieldtrip/excursion to the Special Olympics Winter Games in Dubuque in January

Click here to view the full agenda and exhibits from the December 10th board meeting.