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Highlights of June 11th School Board Meeting

Below are highlights from the June 11th Linn-Mar Board of Education meeting.
Please remember these are just highlights and should not be considered the official minutes.

We Are Linn-Mar logo with lion

During the regular meeting, members of the board were provided updates on the School Improvement Advisory Committee and Facilities Advisory Committee meetings, in addition to updates on the Marion City Council meeting and June 11th Board Book.

On May 23rd, the School Improvement Advisory Committee met for the final time for the 2017-18 school year. The discussion focused on MTSS structures at the middle and high school levels, assessment data, and the changing requirements for standardized tests. Iowa Assessments will undergo significant changes in the upcoming years. During next school year, the tests will be called Iowa Comprehensive Assessments of Progress (ICAO). NWEA assessments will still be given, but only for those in 5th-8th and 10th grade. FAST assessments will be given for both reading and math for grades K-5.

Associate Superintendent Shannon Bisgard also provided the board with an update on the bond campaign and recent Facilities Advisory Committee meeting. On June 4th, Bisgard and Board President Sondra Nelson met with staff at all buildings to review key points of the upcoming bond vote. The key points shared were:

  • The bond vote proposes the construction of two 5th-6th grade intermediate buildings that would be ready for the 2020-21 school year.
  • A 60% supermajority is required to pass the bond.
  • The district will restructure to a new grade format: PK/K-4; 5-6; 7-8; and 9-12.
  • Property taxes would increase $0.65 on every $1,000 taxable value. (Approximately $5.91 a month in additional property taxes for an owner of a $200,000 home).
  • The bond vote is part of the district’s 10-year facilities plan to strategically address long-term capacity issues in the rapidly growing district.
  • Since 2005, the district has increased from 5,267 to nearly 7,800 students.
  • Visit the bond vote web page for additional information, including the 10-year facilities plan — the plan outlines the district’s long-term plans for additional elementary school(s) and a second high school.

The board also approved the following:

  • The Linn-Mar Secretarial and Educational Assistant Association (LMSEAA) agreement for fiscal year 2019 at a total package increase of 2.55%.
  • The Transportation Department agreement for bus drivers, helpers, and riders for fiscal year 2019 at a total package increase of 2.47%.

The next meeting of the Board of Education will be July 9th at the Learning Resource Center.
To view the full agenda and exhibits please visit the Board/Policy website.