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Indian Creek Student is KCRG Student of the Month

A Linn-Mar third grader’s quick thinking made her a hero. She used the training she received in class during Fire Safety Month in October to safely get her and her brother out of the house and call 911 when a fire broke out in their home.

KCRG featured the story in their Student of the Month segment. They have allowed us to share the story with you.

The November Student of the Month is Greenlee Quillin. She did something to save her family that her nominator says makes her a hero.

Now, Greenlee’s family wants other families to be prepared just like she was. It was what she learned in school, just a month before it happened, that made all the difference.

Greenlee and her 13-year-old brother were home one night, while their mom was just down the street running a quick errand, when 8-year-old Greenlee heard something she knew was wrong. An electrical malfunction sparked an explosion and fire in their home.

Her brother was wearing headphones while on a gaming system, and didn’t know what had happened. Greenlee got her brother and dog, ran outside to their aunt and uncle’s house, and called 911.

“When I heard an explosion, I yelled my brother’s name and went outside,” Greenlee recalled.

Greenlee is Judy Hazle’s son-in-law’s niece. Hazle nominated Greenlee to be the Student of the Month.

“She’s a very special little girl, and she was a hero in my eyes,” Hazle said.

The Quillin family is displaced, and living in a rental for six months while their home gets fixed up. Without Greenlee’s quick thinking, it could have been much worse.

“We’re glad that it was just material things lost, we’re all fine and healthy,” said Greenlee’s mom Sara.

“Just grateful that they all got out safely, and that Greenlee in my opinion saved the day,” Hazle said. “Because if she hadn’t heard the noise, and got her brother out, it could have been a disaster.”

Greenlee had just learned in school what to do if a fire happens.

“Ironically, in third grade, the fire department comes to their classroom, so we had just a month ago prior to the fire went through our fire safety plan for our house,” Sara explained.

They want their story to help other families to know what to do: Have working smoke detectors just like they did, and have a plan for a fire. They’re grateful for what Greenlee learned in school.

“Thank God for the fire safety at school, learned about it, and just knew how to react,” Hazle said.

“I thank the fire department for having those lessons, that way we all knew at eight years old to know what to do, because you never think it will happen to your family, and it happened to ours,” Sara said.

They’re also thankful for each other.

“Does make you appreciate what you have, and the materialistic things are just extra,” Sara said. “We’re a real close family aren’t we, we’re a real close bunch.”

A couple of weeks ago, the Marion Fire Department honored Greenlee for her actions to save her family from the fire. The fire chief, the mayor, and a fire marshal presented her with a Fire Safety Award. They said she did exactly what she was supposed to do, and her bravery and quick actions should be recognized.

KCRG’s Student of the Month nominations can be submitted by going to

Linn-Mar appreciates the outstanding relationship we have with our public safety teams in the communities we serve.  We are grateful for their continued annual fire safety training lessons for our third graders across the district.