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Linn-Mar is Ready for the New School Year!

Construction contractors, District Operations and Maintenance workers, Custodial crews and the Technology team are wrapping up summer projects, getting all the Linn-Mar buildings ready for the new school year.

New driveway at Westfield

A wider driveway eases congestion at Westfield

Westfiled improved front entry

New sidewalks welcome visitors to Westfield

At Westfield Elementary, students, parents and staff will immediately notice the expanded parking lot. Along with the additional parking spaces, the school’s driveway was widened to allow for three lanes of traffic. Westfield principal, Ed Rogers, says the improvements will really ease congestion before and after school.

At Indian Creek Elementary, computer wiring was improved and new computers were installed.

5th grade teachers in classroom at Indian Creek

Teachers begin setting up their classrooms in a temporary building at Indian Creek

Also at Indian Creek, 5th grade teachers, Danyel Kolek and Betsy Bushlack are moving into their new spaces in the temporary classrooms in front of the school. The temporary building was brought in to ease overcrowding at the school.
At Excelsior Middle School, students and staff will benefit from new computers that were installed throughout the building.

Upper Commons Library at Linn-Mar High School

Improved lighting, power and flooring in the High School Upper Commons Library

At the High School, in the Upper Commons Library, the books are back on the shelves, there’s new carpet on the floor, and students will immediately notice the brighter, energy-efficient LED lighting. The electrical service to the room was upgraded, to power additional laptop computer carts.
New carpeting is also being installed in the High School’s Little Theatre.
Throughout the district, the carpets have all been shampooed and the tiled areas are brightly shining. High School custodian Berna McNamara summed up the summer work like this, “I want the building to look nice, like welcoming someone into my own home.”
The first day of classes for Kindergarten through 9th grade students is Wednesday, August 23rd. Classes for 10th through 12th grade start Thursday, August 24th.