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LMHS Student Selected for U.S. Senate Youth Program

Congratulations to Linn-Mar Senior Kevin Drahos. He has been selected as one of two student delegates to represent Iowa at the 57th annual United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP).

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The USSYP is made up of a 104 member student delegation.  The group participates in a week-long government and education program in the nation’s capital.  It will take place the first week of March, 2019.

During their visit to Washington, D.C., student delegates will attend meetings and briefings with senators, members of the House of Representatives, Congressional staff, the president, a justice of the Supreme Court, leaders of cabinet agencies, an ambassador to the United States and senior members of the national media, and have opportunity for in-depth question and answer sessions. This year, Iowa Senator Joni Ernst is one of the senate co-chairs for the USSYP senate advisory committee.

The Iowa delegates and alternates were selected by a committee at the Iowa Department of Education. Selection is based on outstanding ability and demonstrated leadership qualities, a strong commitment to volunteer work, and a top 1 percent academic ranking among Iowa’s high school juniors and seniors.

In addition to the all-expense-paid intensive education and leadership program week, each delegate receives a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship with encouragement to continue coursework in government, history and public affairs.

The other Iowa delegate is James Meng, a senior from West Des Moines.