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Novak Students Raise Funds for Orchestra Iowa to Replace Derecho Damaged Music

Novak Elementary Students raised funds for the Save Our Scores (SOS) campaign through Orchestra Iowa to help restore and replace music that was damaged in the August derecho.

Originally, Mrs. Jennifer Walker, Novak Elementary music teacher, committed to raising $230, however, the students stepped up and raised a total of $1,536.35, $380 of which was in small change. “Students donated money they received from the Tooth Fairy, loose change from their piggy banks, and even birthday money to help us meet our goal to save the music!” – Mrs. Walker.

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According to Orchestra Iowa, there are more than 100 donors who donated a total of $50,000 to the SOS campaign.  The student’s donation secured the K-4 grade students as the fourth-highest donor – and by far the youngest. The funds raised will help replace more than 150 music scores ruined by the derecho damage.  With their donation, Novak students helped saved several music pieces.

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“Orchestra Iowa has been so overwhelmed by our community’s incredible response to the Save Our Scores campaign, but most inspiring has been the enthusiastic giving by the students at Novak Elementary to sponsor Peer Gynt Suite and other works. Their collective generosity has made a lasting impression on all of us at the orchestra.” Jeff Collier, Orchestra Iowa CEO

Tying in a learning component to the fundraising effort, Mrs. Walker played a short snippet of one of the four movements of Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 over the school intercom every day for a week.  Each class wrote down their answer and if the class was correct, a dollar was donated to the SOS campaign on their behalf.  “I am happy to report that all classes aced the listening exam and I proudly donated on their behalf!” – Mrs. Walker.

With the additional money that was raised, the students were able to help Orchestra Iowa purchase two new music selections: Respighi’s- “Pines of Rome” and Glazunov’s-“Autumn” from the Seasons. Mrs. Walker says she plans to have her students study these new pieces in music class next year.

Orchestra Iowa Music Director, Tim Hankewich, and Pizzicato Penguin (Orchestra Iowa education mascot) were at the Novak school outdoor assembly to receive the donation check.

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