Parent Sportsmanship
As a parent of an activity participant you should:
- Remember your daughter or son participates in educational activities for fun.
- Do your best to understand the purpose of educational activities that always puts education first.
- Remember it is a privilege, not a right, for your son or daughter to participate in inter-scholastic activities.
- Remember your attendance at an interscholastic activity is a privilege, not a right.
- Always conduct yourself with character, and insist your daughter or son do the same, even when it is not the popular thing to do.
- Treat all people (coaches/advisors, contestants, contest officials, other spectators) with respect at all times and insist your son or daughter do the same.
- Support all students participating, not just your son or daughter.
- Be gracious in victory and accept defeat with dignity.
- Honor the spirit and intent of the rules under which your daughter or son participates.
- Never demonstrate threatening or abusive behavior or use foul language.
- Try your best to be a fan, not a fanatic!